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Post  Calix Sun 21 Dec 2008, 14:49

RULES. They're important, so read them at least once or Calix will eat your firstborn.

1. Have copious amounts of fetishy sex.

...Oh, what? YES, right, onto the real rules.....

This is a roleplaying site. It's important, so do your best. Moderators don't have the time to grammar nazi your ass to death but if you can't spell or write at an acceptable level then you should probably find a new hobby. D: If English is not your first language, that's all right, but keep in mind that the board language is English.

Please keep your username simple and avoid lame numbers or xxoo type deals if you can. It'd be nice to call you a name that's not "Hey, it's ecks ecks bill loover ecks ecks two four." The option for changing your username is also there, but please don't abuse it too often or I'll gladly take away the privilege.

The default rating for all forums, In-Character and Out, is R/16+. It can be higher or lower depending on the roleplay or thread content, so if you're not comfortable with the worst, then this probably isn't the place for you.

Is allowed, goddammit, so if you don't fuckin' like it then cover your eyes and go to church.

There will no doubt be crazy sex. If you can't handle certain things then no one is forcing you into roleplaying it. State your boundaries. Anything goes, really, so if you're a prude about homosexuality or tentacle rape then find a Neopets RP to join.

• All roleplay posts must be in paragraph form, like a story. No short-burst IM roleplay styles, please.
• Double posts: generally not okay, because that's what editing is for. But if you need to and feel it's needed, go ahead, you won't be killed for it. Just your little dog.
• One word posts: not okay. Please add some content to your posts, IC and OOC.
• Broken BBCode: fix it. Your administrator is a filthy OCD perfectionist.

Are not allowed. In fact, no signatures are allowed, and whatever you do they will not show up, so don't try. D:

Can suck it. You want them? Too bad.
Emotes like (n__n) are okay as long as you keep them to OOC, obviously.

That's all for today. BE GOOD! v u___u v

Number of posts : 554
Age : 263
Location : California, USA
Title : sexy man-ass connoisseur
Characters : Ilya, Ivrahim, Ley, Count Valeriane, Senn, Chao

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